No Sensible Mystery

Faith and doubt,
Science and certainty.
True believers and ever was it so
in the world of man.

Love and light
here in the promised land.
Can you feel it? It shines upon us now
at the edge of time.

This is no sensible mystery.
Maybe make sure everyone’s ok
when the changes come.

Well, i may not
be a religious man
but i listen when the angel sings.
And it fills my soul.

Love and light.
It’s some sort of alchemy
where we just don’t understand a thing
still it all makes sense.
In the end it all makes sense.

But this is no sensible mystery.
Maybe make sure everyone’s alright
when the changes come.

And when you’re released
from this movie show,
can you just let everybody know
how it all worked out?

“In the end, it all worked out.”
“In the end, it all made sense.”

It all works out in the end.

© 2015 Precognitive Music (ASCAP)

Walking the Sun

So I’m walking the creek where it enters the sea. Every few steps I take a photo just where the sun reflection is on the post-turbulent sands.

I dream long and vertical and warp the heck out of each image to make it all line up as one continuous sun reflection.

During construction … and the resultant image
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Happy Brain

“What’s the deal with that?”

“Why are they saying those things? I don’t believe they’re true.”

“Hey, wait a minute! Am i being lied to?”

Relax. Why be concerned?

Now there’s an easy way to enjoy life without all those pesky questions occupying your mind. Just remember, an empty brain is a happy brain!

New from
Makers of Exciting New Dirt® and Soma®


I’m going out for a walk in sunlight
I’ll wait awhile then be on my way
And surely you’ll join me

We’ll look around when we can’t remember
Maybe the moment will pass us by

Start smelling the roses now
Overcome the fear of flying

I wanna live like there’s no tomorrow
I wanna live like there’s no today
Or any hereafter

When we arrive with the dead and dying
All of the clouds will have burnt away

The pain and the sorrow gone
Overcome the fear of flying

I’ve been frightened because i love you so
It’s all, right now, because i know we’re going home

They’re headed out for a walk in sunlight
We’ll wait awhile and be on our way
And wondering why

Yeah, well i’m glad that we’re all together
Finally relieved to see children play

At the end of the tunnel, light! I may run…
I’ve overcome my fear of flying.

© 2011 Precognitive Music (ASCAP)

Tonight! The Brown Flatline!

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