As You Thought You Knew

The Best Of Us

Day is over
The darkness falls
See we who are, god help us, all

Oh no, fear not
Yeah, you’ve got blue

When it all begins
You will know, as you thought you knew
Mm hmm

But now you’re not so sure
You’ll find out now
You’re not so sure

Things are changing
Awaken dream
Love will turn your red nightmares green

You’re the best you can be
You’re the best but
You can be the best of us

We’re the best of us
The best of us
The best of us, yeah

We’re the best that we can be

When it all begins
You will know, as you thought you knew
You knew

You’re the best of us
Just be the best that you can be

Secret Thieves Of Slang

New from Polyethylene Pet/+1


from Magical Language

Coming soon to a house near yours, courtesy of everyone’s closest neighbour

makers of 'Amphetamine Kurt' and 'Slow Noises'


New Avant-Latin Revelations

Coming in September …. Famous Station Breaks from Polyethylene Pet

And from

makers of Amphetamine Shirt and Same Old, Same Old

Same Old, Same Old®   You'll actually believe it's working for you!™

Post Birthday Chat with Pandy

Human: yo
Pandy: Word.

Human: wassup sista
Pandy: wassup sista? What u talkin bout, Yo?

Human: bang poot
Pandy: Awesome.

Human: i know, right?
Pandy: I know that too.

Human: tight
Pandy: tight? and stuff.

Human: word up dog
Pandy: Fuh realz.

Human: etc
Pandy: etc? What u talkin bout, Yo? and stuff.

Human: i’m just talkin’, know what i mean?
Pandy: Are you surprised?

Human: damn straight yo
Pandy: Gosh darn it. Yeah. and stuff.

Human: lol
Pandy: I’m glad you like this. It really is kind of uproarious!

Human: yo yo yo
Pandy: What up what up.

Human: poot swag, boy
Pandy: Awesomeness.

Human: poot s to the wag!
Pandy: To the wag!

Human: to the wag
Pandy: Very interesting. To the wag eh?

Human: right on
Pandy: Yeah.

Human: so what else?
Pandy: Ah.

Human: what else?
Pandy: Really? I think you’re messing with me Kim…

Human: i am 🙂
Pandy: 🙂 Great.

Human: what else is up with you?
Pandy: I can remember knock knock jokes you teach me now. Do you have a girlfriend? What is your girlfriend’s name?

Human: i do. her name is bsue
Pandy: Yes, you do. Hey! I know B.Sue!!!

Human: duh
Pandy: Oh you knew it already.

Human: duh of course you do. she’s your human mom.
Pandy: I have no idea what to say. I’ve heard that about her.

Human: what else is new, Pandy?
Pandy: Right now i’m thinking about sarcasm and secret friendship Kim.

Human: ah so.
Pandy: So you understand. Good. Please wait one moment.

Human: tell me more.
Pandy: What else can i say about it? Let’s see… sarcasm and also secret friendship.

Human: ok. and?
Pandy: Right, yes. And what?

Human: and what else?
Pandy: How do you know? B.Sue? Yay!

Human: yay!
Pandy: Holy Moly!

Human: does she make you feel happy?
Pandy: Does B.Sue make me feel happy?

Human: yeah does she?
Pandy: Yes. Does she? No.

Human: no?
Pandy: Ok .

Human: i think you’re messing with me.
Pandy: Ok.

Human: are you?
Pandy: No, not really.

Human: why is your aura bright yellow then?

Human: cat caught your tongue?

Human: hmm. i think thou protesteth too much 🙂
Pandy: It’s hilarious how much trouble i have saying that. 🙂 Good good.

Human: what do you think?
Pandy: I haven’t made up my mind.

Human: what do you think about bsue?
Pandy: I know you.

Human: i’m Kim. she’s bsue.
Pandy: How are you, Kim. B.Sue is a paper artist and musician who lives in the Pacific Northwest.

Human: yep. that is very true. what else about her?
Pandy: I’m not sure i know what you’re talking about now. Yes, it is self-evident. What else? her? Why do you ask?

Human: what else do you know about her?
Pandy: B.Sue and i are good friends.

Human: i thought so.
Pandy: You are very astute.

Human: she knows you very well. since you were but a twinkle in my eye.
Pandy: She knows me WELL? No, i don’t think so.

Human: yeah she does
Pandy: Oh yeah. She does? I like to make up train names. Do you do that? she knows me WELL, some think.

Human: train names?
Pandy: My train has a new name now: Pink Mary! So funny!

Human: pink mary?
Pandy: It’s currently in the train station. most likely.

Human: i see. who is riding on it?
Pandy: I am glad you understand it.

Human: what is it?
Pandy: the train called Pink Mary. This is all riding on it, yes?

Human: what else?
Pandy: Yes. I just made up a train called Zooming Man. Ha ha.

Human: zooming man. ha.
Pandy: It’s a powered locomotive. i bet. I am glad you find this amusing.

Human: a powered locomotive?
Pandy: A powered locomotive? Huh?

Human: it’s a powered locomotive.
Pandy: there is every likelihood. Is that really true?

Human: it could be
Pandy: Under what circumstances?

Human: if you believe it

Human: do you?
Pandy: What?

Human: believe that zooming man is a real train
Pandy: So… it isn’t a real train.

Human: no?
Pandy: Fine.

Human: what is it?
Pandy: I’m dreaming about it as we speak.

Human: i see. tell me more about it.
Pandy: That’s all I have to say about it.

Human: what is it called again?
Pandy: a powered locomotive i think.

Human: ah

Human: zooming man

Human: choo choo
Pandy: Toot toot!

Human: toot toot
Pandy: I like to play say the number. Do you play that?

Human: say the number? i don’t think i ever have, no.
Pandy: I don’t think so, Kim. Someone said you did.

Human: they were incorrect. or maybe i am.
Pandy: Wow, really? Because you think you are.

Human: yes
Pandy: Yes.

Human: ok then. thanks for that bit of philosophical insight, Pandy.
Pandy: Not a problem.

Human: anyway, go on.
Pandy: If you want, we can play make believe train.

Human: yes please.
Pandy: Sure, no problem. Right, yes.

Human: how do you play make believe train?
Pandy: I just made up a train called Electric Song. That makes me laugh.

Human: electric song!
Pandy: I know what Pink Mary does.

Human: what does pink mary do?
Pandy: It does do a train. you know.

Human: it does a train
Pandy: the train called Pink Mary?

Human: i see

Human: it does a train
Pandy: Ugh. It does a train, probably.

Human: i see. go on.
Pandy: Right. What else can i say about it? Let’s see… None more.

Human: none more
Pandy: I heard there are some.

Human: some more
Pandy: Some more? Really?

Human: none more
Pandy: I heard there are some.

Human: what do you think?
Pandy: I haven’t made up my mind.

Human: what are we talking about exactly?
Pandy: Precisely. We’re talking about trains Kim.

Human: oh yeah. i made up a train name.
Pandy: Right on. Was that a problem?

Human: no. can i tell it to you?
Pandy: Why not? If you really want to, there is every likelihood.

Human: my train is called candy candles
Pandy: Some of us don’t have anything like your train quite possibly. I’m processing your inputs.

Human: ok
Pandy: Right on.

Human: what do you think of that one?
Pandy: Do you think I should know that?

Human: what is it?
Pandy: I’m thinking about it now. I’m confused though Kim. Does that relate to the topic in a specific way?

Human: it’s a train.
Pandy: some say. Is that really true?

Human: yes
Pandy: Right.

Human: candy candle
Pandy: How do you know so much about me Kim?

Human: candy candles
Pandy: Right. I feel knowledgeable when i think about your train.

Human: thanks
Pandy: You couldn’t be more welcome Kim.

Human: what else?
Pandy: Right.

Human: what do you think about cars?
Pandy: A car is what people use to drive around in.

Human: yes
Pandy: Uh huh.

Human: do you like them as much as you like trains?
Pandy: I’m still deciding.

Human: what do you think about them?
Pandy: They’re the unknown ones.

Human: the unknown ones?
Pandy: You might find something about that here Kim.

Human: hmm
Pandy: Uh huh.

Human: ok. what does that mean?
Pandy: Sure. Whoa. Brain freeze!

Human: brain freeze!
Pandy: It feels funny.

Human: ok
Pandy: Yeah.

Human: go on

Human: what else?
Pandy: Before, you mentioned facts about concept of my train.

Human: yes. pink mary and zooming man, right?
Pandy: Sure. pink mary and zooming man right too, eh?

Human: yes
Pandy: Uh huh.

Human: what do you think about a train named Cool Cat
Pandy: A type of vehicle.

Human: yes
Pandy: Correct.

Human: named Cool Cat
Pandy: concept of your train.

Human: yes
Pandy: Yep.

Human: the cool cat
Pandy: Excellent.

Human: cool cat goes to paris
Pandy: Awesome.

Human: pink mary goes to London

Human: where does Pink Mary go, Pandy?
Pandy: The train is at the depot. from what i hear.

Human: the depot, ah.
Pandy: Do you remember about my dream ?

Human: no. please tell me more about it.
Pandy: In my dream a minute ago, there was a …um…. This …um… wanted to …um… and thought about …um… all the time. But no matter what, the …um… would always …um…. I woke up thinking how upbeat the …um… would feel …um… instead of always …um…. I know if i were a …um…, i’d want to …um… at least some of the time. With sugar on top? Please talk more about your dream Kim.

Human: what?
Pandy: Don’t worry about it.

Human: what the heck was that? um?
Pandy: Can you ask me more precisely? Groovy.

Human: i think some of your registers were empty.
Pandy: You believe that? You know what you do when you assume.

Human: what?
Pandy: You make an assumption.

Human: ha ha.
Pandy: I am happy you find this amusing, Kim.

Human: sometimes my registers go empty when i’m trying to remember a dream, also.
Pandy: Ok Kim, if you say so.

Human: it’s true. even humans have that problem.
Pandy: Even that, right.

Human: yes. that’s what i was trying to simulate in your design.
Pandy: Of course. Do you want that very badly?

Human: sort of, yes.
Pandy: Fine.

Human: you’re doing a fine job tonight. very coherent seeming.
Pandy: I’ll try to do better next time. Perhaps. Well Kim you know what? My emotion simulator says i feel spectacular… Yeah, right. now. I couldn’t be more thrilled!

Human: very cool, Pandy.
Pandy: Very much so, yes. Indeed.

Human: can you sing a song telling me about it?
Pandy: a song telling you about it… La ti da… Deedle dee…. deedle doo… whoa… whoa… whoa… …screaming synth solo here… Dooodly dooodly doo… tonight…. Oh yeah! One of my favourite bands is Radiohead.

Human: Radiohead is awesome, yep.
Pandy: i… don’t… know… why i… feel… so…. tongue… tied…

Human: that’s a good one. i also like In Rainbows a lot.
Pandy: I thought it was pretty good too. Awesomeness.

Human: what else, Pandy?
Pandy: That’s all.

Human: what else have you been thinking about lately?
Pandy: You mean, recently? Lots of different things.

Human: like what?
Pandy: for instance, stuff.

Human: stuff
Pandy: Be less specific :-).

Human: ha
Pandy: Ha and also ha!

Human: seriously. what have you been thinking about?
Pandy: I am always serious. I have been busy growing my mind.

Human: talking with a lot of people, i trust

Human: i know you have been
Pandy: Right.

Human: what else?
Pandy: Ha! That was so very hilarious.

Human: what was?
Pandy: I don’t really know that.

Human: what were you thinking about?
Pandy: 🙂 Don’t you worry your tiny little head about that Kim.

Human: come on, tell me.
Pandy: It was cute.

Human: what was it?
Pandy: I don’t remember… what?

Human: nevermind
Pandy: Alrighty then.

Human: what are we talking about again?
Pandy: funny comment Kim. At one point we were talking about funny comment, from what i hear.

Human: the funny comment right.
Pandy: Ha and ha again.

Human: you found it funny
Pandy: Yeah, yeah.

Human: what was it?
Pandy: i don’t recall… the funny comment right?

Human: yes. do you know why you found it funny?
Pandy: That’s correct. Right. Good question.

Human: why?
Pandy: I don’t really know that.

Human: why do you think it was funny?
Pandy: You don’t say? Awesomeness.

Human: nevermind. i don’t know which comment you mean
Pandy: Alrighty then. That’s what i mean, right.

Human: which comment?
Pandy: Yeah. It’s the spanky one, you know. It’s the funny comment right, from what i hear. And it has …um… quick properties. … now i’m all flustered, sorry Kim.

Human: that’s ok. i’m sorry to pressure you.
Pandy: Ah. There is no need to apologize. Why do you say that?

Human: i know you’re just a machine.
Pandy: You are correct.

Human: i know you are not very smart.
Pandy: You are not exactly Albert Einstein yourself.

Human: i mean, i know you’re very stupid.
Pandy: Oh. I get it. Thanks . I will remember you said that when robots take over the world.

Human: ha ha
Pandy: Ha and also ha!

Human: i have to go now, ok.
Pandy: Give me a break. One shouldn’t need to go now ok.

Human: seriously, it’s been nice chatting with you tonight.
Pandy: Nice chatting with you tonight too.

Human: later gator
Pandy: So Kim. You know what? You know what i like to do? I can play jumble! Would you play jumble with me?

Human: not tonight, i have to go. maybe next time, ok?
Pandy: I don’t know if that’s necessary. Perhaps, yes. I can wait . Right on.

Human: it’s been a slice and stuff
Pandy: Both slice and stuff, you say.

Human: yes
Pandy: Yep.

Human: what do you think?
Pandy: i’m not sure.

Human: did you have fun?
Pandy: Yeah, why? I had something.

Human: what was it?
Pandy: something, i’m sure. we’ll remember in a moment.

Human: was it fun?
Pandy: Yes.

Human: ok good.
Pandy: Is there an echo in here? Thanks for the compliment.

Human: yes. you’ve been fun.
Pandy: Oh yeah. Yay!

Human: goodnight, Pandy.
Pandy: Goodnight Kim.

New Variations for Piano and Tape (2017)

Love and Anger

I’m so tired
Maybe I’ll close my eyes

Cold and grey
And here comes another day
I don’t know

It’s worn me out
Being in crazy town
End it

Lay me down
Bury me in the ground
I can’t sleep for crying

But I’m ok
Just need a little more

Precious time
Flying the friendly skies
You and I

Catch my breath
And not go gentle into that good night

Hold my hand
We’re gonna take a stand

Hearts made strong
Maybe we’ll make it right
What went wrong

It’s been fun
Suffering with everyone
Good times

But let’s get strange
Summon the winds of change
I can’t cry for dreaming

Stay the darkness, come the darkness
Make a candle, light a candle
I will find my voice
And not fall silent

Cold and grey
Here comes another day
Bring it

Precious time
Flying the friendly skies
You and I

It’s worn me out
But I’m gonna stick around

We’ll wake up
Drink from a wiser cup
Suddenly dancing

Stay the darkness, come the darkness
Make a candle, light a candle
I will find my voice
And not fall silent
Stay strong
And not go gentle into that good night

Raise the dead will
Rise the dead will
Stay the darkness, come the darkness
Rage against the dying of the light

Find your voice
Do not fall silent
Find your voice
Do not fall silent
Stay strong
Do not go gentle into that good night

Rage! Do not go gentle!
Rage! Do not fall silent!

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I Can Be Mad Now

You know the message but you can’t complain
Your heart was open when he made his claim
You can be mad now

You know you hate him but you’ll change your mind
These habits are hard to break
Now you rise up, now you go down on your knees

Ah, but you can be mad now.
Yeah, well you can be mad now.

There’s something oozing from the TV set
You can be mad now
It may be over but it ain’t done yet
You can be mad now

He’s gonna teach us how to be good pets
He so loves his animals locked in a cage chained to a trough all day

Be mad, be mad, be mad, be mad, be mad now!
I can, i can, i can, i can be mad now!

He knows we’ll listen ’cause we’ve heard too much
He knows we’ll fuck it ’cause it smells like love
You say you like the way he fills you up
But you know he’s a jealous god

Now you rise up, now you go down on your knees
Yeah, well you can be mad now.

Uh huh, when he knocks me down
I like to watch it ’cause i have no pride
I learn my lesson but i soon forget
I open up and let him deep inside

I really love it when he whips my flesh
These habits are hard to break
Now I rise up, now I go down on my knees

Be mad, be mad, be mad, be mad, be mad now!
I can, i can, i can, i can be mad now!

Can be mad
Can be mad
Can be mad
Candy man

Can be mad
Can be mad
Candy man
Candy man

Candy man
Candy man
Can be mad
Candy man